Find numerous immediately available new cars near you. We're sure you'll find the right model for your needs. Browse through our immediately available new cars here or arrange a test drive directly with Hicom Auto, Seremban
A record-breaking, unforgettable event at Golf Fan Fest 2024.
It was a day to celebrate our beloved icon, and the owners and enthusiasts alike.
Media Drive: The Touareg Adventure
Follow our adrenaline-fueled journey from Kuala Lumpur to the trails of Sungai Lembing, Pahang, as we explore its full potential. Join us as we push the Touareg to its limits and hear first-hand impressions from our esteemed media allies.
Master All Roads: the all-new Touareg R-Line
Master all roads.
Embark on adrenaline-fuelled adventures in the all-new Touareg R-Line.
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